I'm very excited to be featured on this month's cover of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. The cover shows a series of images from a multiscale simulation of a tumor growing in the brain, made with John Lowengrub while I was a Ph.D. student at UC Irvine. (See Frieboes et al. 2007, Macklin et al. 2009, and Macklin and Lowengrub 2008.) The "about the cover" write-up (Page 325) gives more detail.
The inside has a short interview on our more current work, particularly 3-D agent-based modeling. You should also read Rick Durrett's perspective piece on cancer modeling (Page 304)—it's a great read! (And yup, Figure 3 is from our patient-calibrated breast cancer modeling in Macklin et al. 2012. ;-) )
The entire March 2013 issue can be accessed for free at the AMS Notices website:
I want to thank Bill Casselman and Rick Durrett for making this possible. I had a lot of fun in the process, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to trade ideas!